Our Neighbourhood

“I enjoy seeing what goes on and the activities on offer in the centre – it is quite an incredible set up, with lots going on. It is a major part of life in Hendon.”

– Carnegie Community Corner Service User

Community Activity in the Local Area

At Back on the Map we know local people care about the place they live, we actively work with you, local residents, to improve neighbourhoods by arranging litter picks, green space clean-up events, environmental projects and recycling campaigns.


We feel it is our role to support residents to have their voices heard in tackling very local issues such as community cohesion; reducing the gaps in communication that can exist between decision makers and communities. Crucially breaking down barriers to co-production and offering space for meaningful task groups which have affected changes in the local environment and in the services delivered by the local council or police and fire services.

We work closely with partners including Sunderland City Council and Northumbria Police to host monthly Ward Councillor Surgeries and Police & Communities Together meetings. Our staff can also support residents to address issues including HMO’s, ABS, Graffiti and fly tipping at a micro neighbourhood and/or street level.

Street Clean Ups

Our Clean Team staff and volunteers carry out litter picks in streets, report fly tipping, educate residents on waste management and encourage recycling.

East rangers

Our Rangers work across the Hendon area carrying out a variety of tasks such as; clearing, raking, cutting grass, edging paths, planting wild flowers on local green spaces.

Local Voice

We support residents to have their say on local issues and address neighbourhood problems such as ASB, HMO’s and Housing Conditions.

Neighbourhood Gallery

Our Strategic Objectives

Back on the Map work to make Hendon a place of opportunity to live, work and thrive, by creating;

Our Core Values

A little insight into what is important to us here at Back on the Map;