Online Payment Coming Soon...

We want to make sure your home remains in a good state of repair. To report a repair please phone us on 0191 691 4137, email or call into our office. You should tell us quickly about repairs that need doing, especially where a problem may be a danger to yourself or others.

Make Paying the Rent a Priority

We have a firm but fair policy for missed rent payments (arrears). Please make paying therent your top priority. We must collect all rental income in order to continue to provide services for all our tenants and the wider community, and will take legal action take possession of your home if necessary.
We understand sometimes there are genuine reasons for late payments and we may be able to offer support on how you can meet your responsibilities under your Tenancy Agreement.

If you continue to miss your rent payments and do not keep to an agreement to repay we will take you to court to get back the amount you owe and you could lose your home.

Having Trouble Paying the Rent?

● Contact Back on the Map Finance Department on 0191 514 9061 or call into the
Homes Office and talk to us in person if you know you will have difficulty paying.
● Ask for and keep to a payment Plan – we can agree a Payment Plan with you to
pay off arrears over a number of months in a way thats affordable to you. Meaning
you maintain your tenancy
● Get advice – Our team can help you and make a referral to specialist welfare
benefits and debt advice agencies, depending on your circumstances.
● Do not ignore the problem – You must respond to any letters we send you and be
home for any visits we make. Ignoring the problem will make matters worse.
● Deal with debt early – Leaving it until things build up only makes it harder to sort
out in the long run and puts you at risk of losing your home.

Our strategic objectives

Back on the Map works in the heart of the community to empower the people of Hendon to build;

  • A Better Place
  • A Stronger Community
  • An Influencing Role for Residents

Our core values

A little insight into what is important to us here at Back on the Map;

  • Quality and Excellence in all we do
  • Respect and Empowerment
  • Promoting Equality and Mutual Respect
  • Valuing People
  • Operating with Honesty and Integrity
  • Individual and Community Responsibility
  • Delivering Positive Experience
  • Passion to Make Positive Impact
  • Involving and Consulting Meaningfully
  • Caring and Professional at all Times